Keep your login ID and passwords safe
Never disclose your login ID and passwords to anyone, and do not record them anywhere. We highly recommend that you change your passwords regularly and use different passwords for other services, e.g. email and online banking.
Open email and attachments with caution
Be aware when opening unexpected emails with attachments, and never click on a hyperlink in a suspicious email. If you really need to open the attachements, always scan with it Internet security software.
Install anti-virus, firewall and anti-spy programmes
Install Internet security software with anti-virus, anti-spyware and personal firewall features to perform real-time detection of new viruses, spyware and intrusions on your computer. Enable the auto-update feature to obtain the latest virus and spyware definition files. You are also advised to regularly scan your system.
Keep your system patches updated
Make sure you are using supported versions of OS. Enable the auto-update feature to obtain and apply security patches regularly from trusted sources.
Maintain safe practices when you login / logout
Do not access your account with a public computer (e.g. in a cyber cafe). Before logging in to our website, close all browser windows to protect your personal information from unauthorized access from another website. You should always logout from your account after using it.
Cyber Security Awareness
Protecting you against potential fraud is important to Everbright Securities International. To help you better understand various precautionary measures against cyber crimes, we will publish key online security tips to keep you informed on a regular basis.
To learn more
Last Update: 2022-01-07